Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I need some advice on how to start this?

My bf and I moved into our apartment 3 weeks ago and we're all settled in. Lately, we have been lazy with keep the apartment clean. There are already spots on the bath tub. We have all the basic cleaning products...i.e..mop, broom, bleach, Mr. clean, 409, duster...etc. We just need and routine we can work with everyday to keep the place clean. Can any one help us on how to do this?

ThanksI need some advice on how to start this?
Hi there! I know it can be a tough thing to get started in a cleaning routine. Often my husband and I will feel daunted by the house if we don't keep it up. On days where it just plain needs to get done we set a timer for 15 minutes and work our butts off in one room together. Then we chill and relax for 15 minutes and repeat as many times as it takes to get the place tidy. I do this a lot by myself too during the day when I'm home, sometimes having the a bit of an implemented schedule helps keep me on track. Really though, turn on some music, and set a timer for 15 minutes and go! I bet, even just you alone can tidy the bathroom in 15 minutes - it's great exercise too! Also, try gathering all of the cleaning essentials into a bucket or a basket so that when you have a moment and urge to clean you don't first have to go fishing for the required tools and products.

My favourite solution to tub scuz is vinegar on the faucets and for an every day light cleaning, and then mr.clean magic eraser for built up dirt. The vinegar smell fades quickly and reduces hard water and soap scum just as well as the expensive cleaners. I use it on nearly everything in the house.

Even if you only do one 15 minute stint a day then by the end of the week your house should be getting on track. Pick one room a day.

Check out a website called www.flylady.net for cleaning tips too, it's a great website.

Cheers!I need some advice on how to start this?
If you and your BF clean up after yourselves after everything you do your house will only need a quick clean thru once a week...ie; vac, dust, mop...etc.

For example;

1) get a squeegee for the shower and use it after you shower.

2) do one load of laundry a day.

3) if you dirty a dish you wash it right away.

4) when you do a quick thru every week wash one window (then another the next week and so on)

5) remember dirty clothes go in the hamper.

6) if you try on clothes for work make sure you hang up the ones you've tried on.

Little things like picking up after yourself make a HUGE difference on keeping your house clean.

Hope this helps, Good Luck!
I can't do a good cleaning unless a few basic things are done first. I need the bed made, the dishes washed, and the laundry picked up. Do those things first and then from there you'll be able to see what needs doing.

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