Thursday, August 19, 2010

How are you preparing for Ramadan Insha'Allah? Any wise advice and tips to share?

Consider it is possible that it could be your last ramadan. Consider your sins and disobediences to Allaah azza wajall. Consider being grateful to him as best as you can.

Also cut out the time-wasting, and for many, this Answers Ramadan seems to be just that.

Actually, I would recommend the brothers/sisters to purchase a book of fiqh of Ramadan and fasting or get a free one online that is good (authentic) and learn the fiqh (~rulings, etc) of fasting and the acts of worship you can do in ramadan. Also, set yourself some goals to try to achieve during ramadan in terms of seeking knowledge and worship and helping others, eg, family and relatives to understand the correct meaning of ramadan and islam generally and whatever they need help in.....

And Allaah knows bestHow are you preparing for Ramadan Insha'Allah? Any wise advice and tips to share?
I want to do some practice fasts before Ramadan InshaAllah to get into the spirit of things. Also am trying to recite more of The Quran every day, hopefully finish it all by the end of Ramadan InshaAllah.

(sorry I didn't reply to your text sis, my phone's gone a bit weird)

~XXX~How are you preparing for Ramadan Insha'Allah? Any wise advice and tips to share?
Yes,when Ramadan come i'm leaving Y!A for a week.


Except for the first day,this shall be my first time in Ramadan section during Ramadan.I heard when Ramadan came everything was peace and everybody was cool.I want to see that with my own eyes.
there was a lady from ni*er who smiled as she rode the back of a tiger

they came back from the ride with the lady inside and the smile on the face of the tiger....

Insha Allah lets try to fast all the days of ramadan!
Fresh dates Ninja, had them in Iraq when i fasted with the Iraqi soldiers (i am a christian [sort of]) but if you never had them you have never lived
Avoid racist Arabs

Hitting them might be a sin

then again it might be a hasanat
Don't eat Za'tar (Thyme) , or you will be very thirsty the next day.....
Enjoy your fasts...

And perhaps do the Fajr adhan in the house.....

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