Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm breastfeeding and consequently have sore breasts - any advice on how to relieve soreness?

I'm not talking about breasts getting hard due to lack of breastfeeding - I'm talking about the fact that I HAVE been breastfeeding, and as a result, the nipples are sore from the baby suckling. Any thoughts? I've used creams to prevent the chapping, but my concern is the nipple soreness from the constant (every 2-3 hours) breastfeeding....I'm breastfeeding and consequently have sore breasts - any advice on how to relieve soreness?
Two things helped me:

Lanolin - God's gift to breast feeders, IMO. That stuff is great - heals cracking (and bites when the child teethes).

Also, change you hold position. Everyone has a favorite hold but it needs to be changed once in a while to give the milk ducts a rest.

Good luck and keep up the good work!I'm breastfeeding and consequently have sore breasts - any advice on how to relieve soreness?
a few suggestions:

1. try a lanolin based product on the nipple or pure lanolin,

2. Is bubs attaching properly or just to the nipple. Postioning is key and take a **** load of practice.

3. Air your nipples, I know this sounds well bizzar but after the feed and you've settled bubs, try sitting with your bra open to let the air get to the area, it feels a bit weird but it works.

Good luck
First thing is to find out if your baby is latching properly. The baby should have both top and bottom lips flared out and when your milk lets down (you may or may not feel this) her sucking should speed up and you should hear swallowing. If you hear clicking sounds when she is nursing that is a sign of a bad latch. If you think a bad latch is a possibility you should contact a La Leche League leader. They will help in anyway they can, talking to you on the phone or even coming to your house if need be FOR FREE(I am providing a link). Pain in the early weeks is not normal and is usually due to some other cause. Lanshino Lanolin is good but also after a nursing session express a little bit of milk (a drop or two) and rub it on to your nipple and then let it air dry. Also remember that the frequency of the feeds will go down as your baby gets older. Someday (sooner than you think) your baby will go more than 3 hours between feedings. Keep at it, you are doing a great job and saving your child from a myriad of risks associated with formula use. Good luck.

P.S. the first link is to find a LLL leader in the usa if you need one in another country go to the second link.
i have three kids - all breastfed, actually two are still breastfeeding. i find that lansinoh helps a lot and it's safe for the babies. i also find that the way i'm positioning myself while feeding the children plays a role on my nipples sore-ing. so now, instead of sitting up, i lay down with them using my arms as pillows for their heads.

hope this helps; good luck.

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